Petar Pjer Krizanic
Painter and caricaturist. Born in Glina 1890. (Croatia) and died in Belgrade in 1962. He finished School of applied arts and studied on the Art Academy from 1908. to 1911. (M. Cl. Crncic and B. Cikos- Sesija). With newspaper caricature he started in Zagreb political magazine called «Koprive» in 1909. He made a lot of caricatures of famous cultural community workers. In year 1918. he became an editor of «Kopriva» magazine and in 1922. left to Belgrade. From 1823. he was a caricaturist of «Politika» («Politics») and in 1924. he stayed in Paris for the whole year. Petar followed with his drawings all fields of social life and especially the negative appearances. He published a map of his drawings in «Kuku Todore» (Belgrade 1926.) and «Protiv fasizma («Against facism»)» (period 1927.-1947., Belgrade 1948.). His work show the quality of the him as s draftsman, whitnesses the psychology of that specific period and critical rewiev of working man. Exhibitions were held in Belgrade, Rijeka and Zagreb.
Two caricatures on the left are of members of parliament (mr. Damjanovic and mr. Vesnic)
dimensions are 8 x 10 cm and 6,5 x 10 cm
period: 1930s

dimensions are 8 x 10 cm and 6,5 x 10 cm
period: 1930s